The Phoenix Archetype

This is the week of Imbolc, the new moon, and the beginning of spring for cultures that know life underground is waking, stretching and beginning it’s new cycle of rebirth and growth. It’s not surprising then that my latest spirit being to emerge from my studio appears in the archetype of the Phoenix. I’ve also been seeing many references to the Phoenix in social media. I imagine this life force of resilience and rebirth as being pulled by the sun from the ground, through our bodies and into the ethos.

The symbol of the Phoenix, a bird or griffin like creature is most basically a symbol of resurrection, rebirth and resilience from the Greek Myth of Icarus who rises from the ashes of his death to be reborn as the Phoenix. Of course there is so much more to the story, but as an archetype, I found it so hopeful that s/he emerged at this particular time. This week as well, I listened to a Michael Meade podcast who spoke along the same thread in reminding us that transformation takes courage, as the poet Rumi advises,  "Look at birds, they make great sky circles of their freedom. And how do they learn to do that? They fall, and in falling, they are given wings."

I am comforted in these anxious times by the reminder that when we fall, when we open to our fears, our grief, our loss, which is the cleansing fire, it is the way forward to deeper understanding, truth and purpose.  I know that when I allow myself to look a shadow force in the eye, to experience my fear, my grief, my loss, I can name it, I can examine it, burnish it, transform it and make it my strength, my clarity, my courage.  The only other choice is to risk loosing my wings.  If you want to explore Micael Meade’s thoughts on this further, listen to Living Myth episode 264.

What I think we are experiencing in our culture right now is an opportunity to look bravely into the heart of what is truly being revealed.  I can recognize this discomfort and sadness as part of a natural cycle and the key to a deeper understanding of who we are, what we value most and where we will spend our energy. This is an opportunity to bolster our resilience and transform the crudeness and fear we feel in our culture into beauty and love, one person at a time, all of us who can.