An Artist's Garden

My friend Doreen is a force of nature.  Her whole life appears to be about creating, capturing and supporting art in all it's forms.  Whenever I questioned the value of my own contributions  to the greater good as an artist, I thought of how essential to my well being, to my happiness, to my sense of living life well it is to experience the beauty that is created by artful souls like Doreen with her garden and curations and photography.  I am always deeply stirred and inspired by the writing, the sketches and the conversations over a scotch with my soul friend, Jackie.  Both she and another soul sister, Dona, have made me swoon with happiness eating something wonderful they have created from garden to table feasting.  Really, all of my friends have enriched and inspired my life by their own "giving form to the longings of their soul."

So, yes, for much of my life I felt that I was on a quest to discover my meaning and purpose.  I didn't want to waste any moments of the life I've been given and my purpose seemed so elusive.  Certainly doing the thing I love most, making things, creating beauty, was just an indulgence because it made me so personally happy.  I questioned the value of my creations, as purely self indulgence rather than contributions of any value to others, not a life purpose.  But now I think of how much juice I get from the artful makings of others, and I think of John O'Donohue's suggestion that our soul's longing is to be expressed in some form, and I know that is my purpose. Now I listen to my soul's longings and happily go about manifesting them..for myself, and for others.

So, just to send some juice your way, some photos of favorite places in Doreen Wynja's garden.  I took these while I was tasked to help with traffic control during her recent garden tour.